Top of the Class
INschool Photography offers a friendly and streamlined service.
We have a friendly and patient approach with all eyes for detail! This is highly valued by our local schools and is recognised in all the smiling faces that we capture.
Our Homework
Is largely keeping up with technology which means we can continually calculate and implement new ideas to run an A plus photo day service and provide quality photographs.
Electronic file sharing and record keeping of school photographs is just one way that we are making the most of technology. With the investment of robust privacy policies, we even offer the download of digital class/group photograph files. Ask us how!
A simple online ordering system removes administration for the school, and distribution of photographs can even bypass the school to be delivered directly!
We maintain a professional and practical product and service across the board.
Health & Safety
We appreciate how much time and resource you put into meeting the worksafe legisation. We need you to know that we are in accordance too. IN it with you!
In the Staffroom
When is your next senior management meeting? We would love to come along to explain our processes in more detail and show you some product examples from other local schools. We will custom design your photograph templates and a service proposal based on your school identity and operations. Remember we are IN it with you!
All Subjects
We understand that our service needs to meet the needs of not only school administration but also teaching staff, parents and students. Our full electronic record keeping option means that no students miss out. And files are provided for school internal records, alumni, archives & internal publications.
We are IN it with you!
Time Lapse
Long term relationships with our Colleges, means we can offer these captivating records; displaying student growth over the years. Designed for Year 13 Leavers, these are custom built with student images that we archive. They make a special record or a beautiful gift.
Check out some of our works:

Contact us:
For any photograph or order related enquiries, please complete our customer enquiry form here
Thinking of using the IN team?
Please contact Brooke: 021 0242 6713 or