Taita College

2024 Taita gallery: please refer to the access details last sent to you by the school on 5th November 2024 and then click here to log in.

If you did not receive your access details email, please contact the school office.

2023 Taita gallery:

2023 PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHS:  Please refer to your email from school with your user ID and passcode or contact the school office.

2023 COMPOSITE CLASS PHOTOGRAPHS: Please refer to your email from school with your user ID and passcode or contact the school office.

If you have your access information, click here to preview and order your photographs.


Welcome to INphotography.  Please create a new account with us and stay up to date with our services. We promise not to bombard your inbox, but rather offer timely reminders for your school or club photo days #INschool or #INclub. 

Your information is safe with us and won't be shared.

Thank you for signing up!

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